Brook Water House

Brook Water House

At the request of the Volunteers Care Council (VCC), Bhagavati dasi and Palika dasi built a relationship with Vasanti Gosai who is based in Brook Water House care home in Palmers Green.

Since January they have been discussing scriptures with her, and together they sing small kirtans.

 This was very much appreciated by the care home: So Vasanti , her family and the devotees organised a program for other residents, and their friends and family.

During the event, Mahimarnava das and Bishal came from Bhaktivedanta Manor to lead kritan. Mahanarva das also spoke about Bhaktisiddhanta, Srila Prabhupada and George Harrison.

The ladies arranged quality prasadam, books and chanting beads.



“The presentation went very well and there were some questions which Mahirmarnava das answered very nicely,” explained Bhagavati dasi.