Poems on the Path

Poems on the Path

Two years ago, ashram resident Bhakta David rekindled an interest he had in writing poetry. After his spiritual master told him that he had a talent for writing and he instructed me to keep writing in his spare time, whenever the inspiration comes.

The results have led to a collection of poems called Poems On the Path.

The book contains thirty poems and they explain different aspects of life in accordance with the scriptures. Some poems are from Bhakta David’s personal experience and he feels they are anyone on the path of devotional service. The poems are accompanied by explanations that contain scriptural references to Srila Prabhupada’s books.

“My aim for the book is to inspire souls to read Srila Prabhupada’s books and ultimately take them to the path of devotional service and the chanting of the Lord’s holy names,” explained Bhakta David.

A sample poem:

A Prayer

I pray that I may let go

And my heart, that it stays true

Your mercy, may you bestow

As I live each day for you

For my immaculate soul

Hides, in the temporary

 And your love will make me whole

As your mercy reigns in me

Help me to see you always

And the darkness, I will shun

May I bloom throughout my days

Like a flower in the sun

Poems on the Path is currently available to pre-order on Amazon in paperback and ebook format. And it will be officially published on the 16th of August.

The book will also soon be available with other retailers such as Walmart and Barnes & Noble.