Overcoming Negativity

Overcoming Negativity

Overcoming Negativity

Course Description

The only thing that prevents us from feeling a sense of regular happiness and inspiration are negative thoughts and emotions that find space within our minds.

In four sessions we will explore wisdom, mind-sets and practices which help you to break free of such limiting emotions. There will be discussion of ancient scriptural principles, guided meditations and kirtan, as well as yoga and breathing techniques. You will be able to take away these tools with you and apply them wherever and whenever you like.

Teacher Profile

Antaranga Das has since his youth been strongly attracted to science and spirituality, specifically the philosophy behind it. His interest encouraged him to study Psychology in his home country Slovakia. During this academic period of his life, his connection with Śrilā Prabhupāda’s books affirmed to him the world beyond psychological science and upon graduating from his Bachelors in 2015, Antaranga decided to move into the temple community here at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, and has been a residential monk ever since.

His contributions were centred around distributing books and sharing the wisdom to inspire others to live a happy, fulfilling and purposeful life. The School of Bhakti has presented a platform by which he can share his understanding of Vedic philosophy in order to help others. He currently runs courses within the School of Bhakti and gives classes on the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam for both beginners and advanced spiritualists. Antaranga’s enthusiasm for philosophy is contagious and you’ll find yourself absorbed in his classes and coming away with an enriching experience.

Dates6 Oct to 27 Oct
Duration4 Sundays
Time2pm to 5pm
Course Fee£50
ModeOnsite and Online
RoomParamatma, Shree Krishna Haveli

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