Category: Wisdom

Golden Cup of Bhakti

Golden Cup of Bhakti

We all carry a golden cup in the heart. When full of bhakti, it keeps us healthy, enthusiastic, and inspired in our spiritual practice. If the cup is empty, we struggle in our sadhana and service.

Vrindavan In The Heart

Vrindavan In The Heart

A meditation and immersion, exploring the importance and spiritual beauty of Vrindavan, the land of Krishna (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) and His servants.

A Sense of Urgency

A Sense of Urgency

At the temple there is a sense of urgency, the eagerness to make spiritual progress now – in this life – and not later, on another day or in some future birth.

Envisioning Eternity

Envisioning Eternity

An offering by S.B. Keshava Swami, on the occasion of the appearance day of the founder of the International Society for Krishna consciousness, Srila Prabhupada.

Tapping into Transcendence

Tapping into Transcendence

For a person desiring to deepen their personal bhajan, Vrindavan is the place to go. A simple environment combined with the association of saintly people from all varieties of spiritual sects provides a rare opportunity to experience spiritual life from all angles of vision.

Beyond Ordinary

Beyond Ordinary

What happens when introverts or extroverts become devotees? Do they need to change their nature to make tangible spiritual advancement?

Eat, Pray, Love: The Importance of Ekadasi

Eat, Pray, Love: The Importance of Ekadasi

Ekadasi plays a vital role in every devotee’s life. It is observed eleven days after the full moon and eleven days after the new moon of every month. On that day, devotees eat simply, avoiding grains, beans and pulses, and use their time to serve Lord Krishna, chant more japa than usual, and read more devotional literature. They spend more time associating with other devotees at the temple.