The Women’s Faith Forum held its second event in Parliament – Hate Crime Awareness – Women Rise Up Hosted by Sarah Sackman KC MP, Solicitor General, on the first day of National Hate Crime Awareness Week, faith leaders, campaigners and MPs addressed the room in their embodiment of both the strength of activism and the pain of...
Category: News
Light has power over darkness
On Sunday 13th October, Bhaktivedanta Manor staged a special Dusshera festival.
The festival of Dusshera pays tribute to an epic battle between good and evil, resulting in deity Lord Rama’s victory over 10-headed demon king Ravana.
World’s Best School Awards
Avanti House Secondary School has been short-listed in the World’s Best School Awards under the category Health and Well-being, for its quality teaching of yoga and meditation.
Local seniors find inspiration at Manor
Many local seniors come to the famous Bhaktivedanta Manor to take time to enjoy the building and estate, learn about the ‘Hare Krishna philosophy’ and even bond with one another.
Interfaith Relations
At the Welwyn Garden City Spiritualist Church, Mahimarnva das conducted a Q and A session where attendees had the opportunity to ask about bhakti, karma, reincarnation and many of other subjects.
Reflections & Gratitude Day
Bhaktivedanta Manor hosted a special day of sharing, reflections and expressions of gratitude for key devotees who joined the Temple full-time between 1978 – 1986.
Janmashtami Feedback Survey
Following the recent Janmashtami Festival at Bhaktivedanta Manor, we want to hear from you about your experience. Our goal is to serve and ensure we can continue to improve the experience for everyone at future festivals.
Glorifying Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupad
Devotees from ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor participated in a special event in observance of the 150th anniversary of the birth of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupad. The event, hosted by the Gaudiya Mission at the Harrow Leisure Centre, brought together representatives from a number of other Vaishnava organisations who all glorified the great personality....