Avanti Schools Trust are delighted to announce that Harrow Borough Council’s cabinet have approved plans for Avanti House Secondary School to be built on Whitchurch Playing Fields, Stanmore.

news to the crowds on Rama Navami at Bhaktivedanta Manor
This long awaited decision follows just days after the completion of a feasibility study by the Education Funding Agency (EFA) who announced earlier in the week that the site is indeed suitable. That evening, Cllr Susan Hall, Leader of Harrow Council was kind enough to attend Ramnavami celebrations at Bhaktivedanta Manor, updating an audience of 2,000 with the latest good news.
The proposal has met with overwhelming and unanimous support from Harrow Council’s cabinet. A new secondary school on the site not only helps to meet the high demand for new school places in the area, but preserves the use of the land for community use; in particular sports and recreation. Avanti Schools Trust will therefore work closely with developers to ensure the school plays an active role in the lives of local people.
A state-of-the-art building will be the centrepiece for the 25 acre site. In addition to the specialised areas (such as performing arts, science and design & technology), sports will also feature prominently, with a full size artificial 3G sports pitch, further natural grass pitches and a multi-use games area.
Avanti Schools Trust will now begin developing a detailed planning application, to be submitted in the summer, enabling a partial handover of the building in time for September 2015, with full completion by September 2016.
On hearing that Harrow Council had granted the site for Avanti House Secondary, Nitesh Gor, Avanti CEO said: “It’s not just good news for the school trust and the parents and pupils, but the whole community of Harrow.
“It’s a really positive development for the school and it has been a long time coming. Once the school is built and there is a permanent base it will have been worth the wait.
“The location of the new school site will not only be perfect for our current students but for the whole community we will serve.”
Avanti Schools Trust will continue to post news of the project on our Facebook page