Disappearance of Srila Gaura Kishora das Babaji
November 1 @ 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Disappearance of Srila Gaura Kishora das Babaji + Bhishma Panchaka begins
Saturday 1 November 2025
Location: Temple Room
4:20pm-7:30pm – Candle Offerings for Kartik
4:30pm – Kirtans & Bhajans
5:30pm – Pushpanjali
6pm – Class
7pm – Damodarastakam
Prasadam served from 5pm-6:30pm (in the Sri Krishna Haveli)
(Fasting until noon on this day)
Srila Gaura Kishora das Babaji
Srila Gaura Kishora das Babaji was the spiritual master of Srila Bhktisiddhanta Goswami (Srila Prabhupada’s guru), intimate student of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, and is an acharya in our line of disciplic succession.
Srila Gaura Kishora das Babaji lived a life of humility and poverty, true attributes of a Vaisnava. He never accepted material goods from anyone, wearing discarded loincloths from corpses left on the bank of the Ganges. He begged for rice, soaking it in river water, and adding only salt and chilies. Accepting no favors, he remained fully detached from all possessions.
Srila Gaura Kishora das Babaji lived for some thirty years in Vrindavana, serving the deities and offering his prostrate obeisances to all the living entities of Vraja, whom he considered to be embodiments of Sri Krsna. He eventually left Vrindavana for Navadvipa.
At Navadvipa, Srila Gaura Kishora das Babaji entered moods of deep spiritual ecstasy, sometimes dancing on the bank of the Ganges chanting, “Gaura, Gaura”.
Bhishma Panchaka
The last five days of the month of Kartik are traditionally known as Bhishma Panchaka or Vishnu Panchaka. Those who fail to observe four months of Caturmasya fasting receive the same benefit by fasting on these last five days.
Rūpa Gosvāmī has stated in the Nectar of Devotion that although any devotional service offered to the Lord is extremely powerful, five are especially potent;
1- Residing in the holy place
2- Worshipping the Deity of the Lord
3- Reciting Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam
4- Serving a devotee
5- Chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra
At the temple, we automatically engage in all five potent activities. Bhaktivedanta Manor is a holy place because Radha Gokulananda are residing there. Attending the arati ceremony involves worshipping the deity and chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra. Associating with the devotees at the temple allows us to offer service and hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam from them.
Visit Bhaktivedanta Manor temple and engage in the five potent activities during the powerful five days of the most auspicious month of Kartik.
Frequently asked questions
Yes. Free parking will be available all day.
Address Bhaktivedanta Manor Hilfield Lane Watford Sat-Nav: WD25 8HE
Note: Entrance to temple is via Hilfield Lane only. There is no entrance to the temple through Letchmore Heath village. For driving, use approximate driving postcode WD25 8HE and follow road signs. Do not use WD25 8EZ, as this will lead you to a nearby village.
For Public Transport & Map, please CLICK HERE