The Bal Gopal Club is a baby and toddler group for under 5s and their guardians, based at Bhaktivedanta Manor.
The children learn stories from the scriptures through movement, song, actions and sensory play. They also cover stories about little Krishna, Hanuman, Ramayana, upcoming festivals, Bhagavad Gita and more!
After the session the children and guardians are welcome to stay and play with the facilities in the room, and take advantage of the 12:30pm Raj Bhoga Arti in the Temple room.
The sessions are on Wednesdays at 10am and open to anyone. They are free of charge.
Please contact Aditya devi dasi for further details:
“We started the group from experiencing how life changing and isolating early parenting can be,” explained Aditya. “The group gives adults a chance to connect to others in the same stage of life (parents, grandparents, or childminders alike!).
“Children go through their most rapid development in the 0-5 age range. Giving children positive experiences of the scriptures ensures a lifelong relationship with them.
“We make it really fun, rewording nursery rhymes so that you can sing them through the week!”
A poem
Once upon a time, there was a little boy. His name was Krishna!
I’m a little Krishna, blackish blue
Here is my cow, and here is my flute
When Indra brings the rainfall, here’s what I do
Lift Govardhan and shelter you!*