Bhaktivedanta Manor Governance

Bhaktivedanta Manor is a temple devoted to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna. It’s governed by a group of trustees who are initiated devotees in the line of succession from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, the founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON, the Hare Krishna Movement).

The Trustees of Bhaktivedanta Manor are responsible for ensuring that Srila Prabhupada’s seven purposes of ISKCON are being fulfilled. Those seven purposes are:

1. To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all people in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life and to achieve real unity and peace in the world.

2. To propagate a consciousness of Krishna (God), as it is revealed in the great scriptures of India, Bhagavad-gita and Srimad- Bhagavatam.

3. To bring the members of the Society together with each other and nearer to Krishna, the prime entity, thus developing the idea within the members, and humanity at large, that each soul is part and parcel of the quality of Godhead (Krishna).

4. To teach and encourage the sankirtana movement, congregational chanting of the holy name of God, as revealed in the teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

5. To erect for the members and for society at large a holy place of transcendental pastimes dedicated to the personality of Krishna.

6. To bring the members closer together for the purpose of teaching a simpler, more natural way of life.

7. With a view towards achieving the aforementioned purposes, to publish and distribute periodicals, magazines, books and other writings.

In addition, the Trustees ensure that Bhaktivedanta Manor is adhering to all the requirements of the Charity Commission of the UK (Bhaktivedanta Manor is a recognised charity in the UK).

The Manor’s Senior Management Team oversees the daily operations of the Manor and is composed of line managers for the various Manor departments.

The Patron Council is responsible for the prudent and Krishna conscious use of Manor funds; its members are devotees who are patrons of the Manor as well as experienced money managers.

The Temple Council has representative devotees from different aspects of the large Manor community together with Senior Management. It offers recommendations on strategic vision and oversees the spiritual standards of Bhaktivedanta Manor.

The Estate and Operations Committee looks after the maintenance of Bhaktivedanta Manor’s buildings, grounds and functioning.

The Festival Committee is responsible for organising and delivering the Manor’s many public festivals. And the Middle Managers are responsible for the activities in their specific departments. Finally, the Manor’s Ecosystem is tasked with coordinating all aspects of Bhaktivedanta Manor with the aim of offering each person who comes to the Manor a positive, uplifting and cohesive Krishna conscious experience.

Temple President

  • Visakha Devi Dasi


  • Akhandadhi Das
  • Bala Gopal Devi Dasi
  • Dinanath Krishna Das
  • Krishna Chaitanya Das
  • Navina Krishna Das
  • Sundarananda Das
  • Visakha Devi Dasi – Chair
  • Nityananda Raya Das – Secretary

Senior Managers

  • Hrsikesh Krishna Das
  • Jagat Priya Devi Dasi
  • Kanhaiya Das
  • Nila Madhava Das – Chair
  • Parama Karuna Das
  • Pradeep Sunkara
  • Premaniketana Das
  • Vaisnava Sarvabhauma Das
  • Visakha Devi Dasi

Temple Council

  • Abhay Buddhdev
  • Pradeep Sunkara
  • Divya Nama Das
  • Govinda Das
  • Guru Carana Padma Devi Dasi
  • Hrsikesh Krishna Das
  • Kanhaiya Das
  • Kapila Monet – Chair
  • Krsnapurna Devi Dasi
  • Madhvi Mulji
  • Nila Madhava Das
  • Nrityapriya Radha Devi Dasi
  • Premaniketana Das
  • Radha Damodara Das
  • Radha Mohan Das
  • Radhika Anderson
  • Samyak Nigam
  • Sri Kama Devi Dasi
  • Urjesvari Devi Dasi
  • Vaisnava Das
  • Visakha Devi Dasi
  • Yasoda Suta Das

Patron Council

  • Ajay Kumar
  • Ami Patel
  • Dinanatha Krishna Das
  • Gargamuni Das
  • Hitu Sanghani
  • Kamlesh Krishna Das
  • Krishna Chaitanya Das
  • Navina Krishna Das
  • Sandipan Krishna Das
  • Sundarananda Das
  • Ushma Haria
  • Vinay Tanna
  • Vinod Krishna Das
  • Yasoda Suta Das – Chair

Estate Operations Committee

  • Dinanath Krishna Das
  • Hrishikesh Das
  • Kanhaiya Das
  • Krishna Chaitanya Das
  • Nila Madhava Das
  • Pranabandhu Das
  • Premaniketana Das
  • Sundarananda Das
  • Visakha Devi Dasi
  • Yasoda Suta Das

Festival Committee

  • Ajay Kumar – Chair
  • Ami Patel
  • Bhakta Pradeep
  • Bhasker Rughani
  • Bhavesh Patel
  • Bindia
  • Damodar Krishna Das
  • Dipesh Patel
  • Farish Lakahni
  • Hemal Pandya
  • Krishna Chaitanya Das
  • Krishna Kiran Das
  • Krsnapurna Devi Dasi
  • Pranabandhu Das
  • Premaniketana Das
  • Radha Govinda Das
  • Rohit Thakrar
  • Sacirani Devi Dasi
  • Shiv Kerai
  • Subash Patel
  • Ushma Haria
  • Vaisnava Sarvabhauma Das
  • Yasoda Suta Das
  • Yogendra Sahu

Deity Worship Committee

  • Ananta Gopal Das – Chair
  • Bala Gopal Devi Dasi
  • Damodar Krishna Das
  • Dhama Sevana Das
  • Kanhaiya Das
  • Lilavati Devi Dasi
  • Nimai Sundar Das
  • Visakha Devi Dasi
  • Visvadevi Devi Dasi

Eco System

  • Kanhaiya Das
  • Nila Madhava Das
  • S.B. Keshava Swami
  • Urjesvari Devi Dasi – Chair

Initiations Committee

  • Kanhaiya Das
  • Malini Nitai Devi Dasi
  • Mukunda-Hari Das – Chair
  • Radhika Priya Devi Dasi

Departments & Heads

  • Ashram / Ladies – Jagatpriya Devi Dasi
  • Ashram / Mens – Parama Karuna Das
  • BMF/Reception/Hospitality – Vaisnava Sarvabhauma Das
  • Bhakti Vriksha – Nritya Priya Devi Dasi
  • Central – Nila Madhava Das
  • Deity Worship – Ananta Gopal Das
  • Events/Weddings/Haveli – Samyak Nigam
  • Gardens – Narahari Rupa Das
  • Gift Shop – Acharya Sevaka Das
  • Goshalla/Farm – Achyuta Das & Madan Kaling
  • Guest House – Deon Moodley
  • ISKCON Educational Services – Daya Devi Dasi
  • Kitchen – Sarva Sumadhuri Devi Dasi
  • Back to Godhead Magazine – Ananta Purushottama Das
  • Maintenance – Subhash Patel
  • Media / Communications – Radha Mohan Das
  • Mentorship – Mukunda Hari Das & Haripriya Devi dasi
  • Nursery – Jagaddatri Devi Dasi
  • Pandava Seva – Ram Gor
  • Radharanis Cafe – Dipen Desai
  • School of Bhakti – Niskincana Caitanya Das
  • Security – Premaniketana Das
  • Sunday School – Yasoda Priya Devi dasi
  • ICT – Yogendra Sahu
  • Treasury – Hrsikesh Das