A working model of the Puranic universe

A working model of the Puranic universe

Taruna das brahmacari has been working on an intriguing physical model of the universe according to a certain approach to the Srimad Bhagavatam.
His model gives credence to one interpretation of the plane of bhu-mandala as proposed by the late Sadaputa das (Dr Richard Thompson)

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The Reverend and Right Honourable Baroness Sherlock

The Reverend and Right Honourable Baroness Sherlock

The Reverend and Right Honourable The Baroness Sherlock OBE, Minister for Faith for the Labour Party, was pleased to visit Bhaktivedanta Manor for the first time. After seeing the Manor gardens, the Baroness offered Srila Prabhupada a garland in the temple room and then heard about the significance of deity worship. – The Baroness took darshan of Srila Prabhupada’s rooms and learned of his efforts, mission and many contributions to society before relaxing in the temple president’s office. Finally, to her great delight, she fed the cows in the goshala before departing for the House of Lords in central London.

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Eat, Pray, Love: The Importance of Ekadasi

Eat, Pray, Love: The Importance of Ekadasi

Ekadasi plays a vital role in every devotee’s life. It is observed eleven days after the full moon and eleven days after the new moon of every month. On that day, devotees eat simply, avoiding grains, beans and pulses, and use their time to serve Lord Krishna, chant more japa than usual, and read more devotional literature. They spend more time associating with other devotees at the temple.

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