Women’s Be a Monk Challenge

Women’s Be a Monk Challenge

“We have reached the end of our Women’s Be a Monk marathon, and what a success it was! The amount of incredible feedback we have received has been heartwarming. The interest in these courses has since increased with floods of applications coming in...

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Tapping into Transcendence

Tapping into Transcendence

For a person desiring to deepen their personal bhajan, Vrindavan is the place to go. A simple environment combined with the association of saintly people from all varieties of spiritual sects provides a rare opportunity to experience spiritual life from all angles of vision.

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Poems on the Path

Poems on the Path

Two years ago, ashram resident Bhakta David rekindled an interest he had in writing poetry. After his spiritual master told him that he had a talent for writing and he instructed me to keep writing in his spare time, whenever the inspiration comes. The results have led to a collection of poems called Poems On the Path. The book contains thirty poems and they explain different aspects of life in accordance with the scriptures. Some poems are from Bhakta David’s personal experience and he feels they are anyone on the path of devotional service. The poems are accompanied by explanations...

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