Avanti School Children sing at Downing Street
10 October 2013October 10, 2013Radha Mohan
Global Sewa Day News
Feeding the homeless and helping on the farm
29 September 2013September 29, 2013Radha Mohan
September 2013 Newsletter
Latest Newsletter now online!
28 September 2013September 28, 2013Radha Mohan
Diwali In London is Launched
Diwali in the famous Trafalgar Square
26 September 2013September 26, 2013Radha Mohan
Fulfilling Prabhupada’s wish
Manor becomes separate charity
23 July 2013July 23, 2013Radha Mohan
Altar Renovation Updated
(renovation work till 12th August 2013)
14 June 2013June 14, 2013Radha Mohan
George Harrison Garden officially opened
with Olivia Harrison and Monty Don
20 May 2013May 20, 2013Radha Mohan
New Security Fence
Estate Development Committee takes the initiative