The Bhaktivedanta Players put on a rather profound new show in the recently refurbished Victorian-style theatre auditorium, essentially a spoof of The Matrix.
Birmingham 24 Hour Kirtan
During the second weekend of July was the world famous 24 hour kirtan in Birmingham. It was a great get-together of devotee friends from across the UK and beyond.
ISKCON South Korea: Devotees perform Vedic ceremony for Reliance Industries Ltd of India’s new vessel
Devotees of ISKCON Korea performed a special Narasimhadeva yajna, with prayers for Reliance Industries Ltd’s new FPSO vessel.
Ram the ox goes to School
Three year-old Ram the ox spends day at Manor School, a wonderful interactive learning experience for the children!
Summer Fest of Colours
Bhaktivedanta Manors Festival Committee treated the community to a new and exciting summer festival. The event included devotional market stalls, prasad, a music stage and most notably a Festival of Colours.
New ISKCON temple in Stoke
There is a great new ISKCON Temple in Stoke-on-Trent. Dignitaries at the official opening of the centre included Joe Gideon MP and Lord Mayor of Stoke, Cllr Chandra Kanneganti
Sunday Bus Service
Book your Sunday Bus Ticket - to visit to Bhaktivedanta Manor from Stanmore station at 12:00pm
No Dogs allowed on site
With the exception of guide dogs, no dogs/pets allowed on site due to increase in dog fouling, barking and even the odd dog fight!
Glastonbury Music Festival
After a two year gap, the Glastonbury Music Festival was back in full-swing and the Hare Krishna Tent was fully operational for the 5 full days